Northfield YMCA Youth in Government (Grades 8-12) and Model United Nations (Grades 7-12)

Since 1946, students from across the state have participated in Youth in Government (YIG), an immersive, experiential program that seeks to develop civically engaged students through a simulated government experience. In partnership with the YMCA of the North and the YMCA Center for Youth Voice, Northfield sends a delegation annually to two major Youth Government Conferences: Youth in Government and Model United Nations. These conferences encourage students to find their voice by spending their days drafting bills, arguing court cases, or debating passionately with their peers, and then spend evenings making new friends and connections with students all around the state. Having civically engaged students in our communities is so important, and why we believe fully in the Youth in Government motto:
"Democracy must be learned by each generation"
It's Officially Model UN Season!
Model United Nations (Model UN) is a hands-on civic learning program where students in grades 7-12 take on the role of a diplomat from one of 193 countries and explore solutions to international challenges. Students in Model UN aren't spectators; they discuss and debate global issues, pass resolutions, form alliances, and draft legal opinions while practicing cooperation and diplomacy.
The MUN program kicks off in the winter when students in grades 7-12 join the Northfield YIG Delegation, which is run through the Northfield Y. Delegations meet regularly to learn about the United Nations and its Member States, research their chosen nation, practice skills, select a program area, and prepare for the conference.
In early March, delegates from across the state attend a pre-conference training event called SUMMIT to help prepare for the three-day conference in early spring. Delegations work together to select their country choice and program areas.
From Thursday, April 3rd through Saturday, April 5th, delegations across Minnesota and Western Wisconsin will come together at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Minneapolis to convene the annual Model United Nations conference!
Interested in the MUN Experience? Explore and Register Here!

2024-2025 Conference: Important Dates to Know
- Wednesday, January 8th: Early Registration Window opens on the CYV Website! Check out the link above for access to the registration details and more.
- Tuesday, January 28th: Last day to register with the early registration discount.
- Sunday, February 9th: Registration Deadline for Model United Nations!
- Saturday, March 1st: Model United Nations SUMMIT Training: More Details to Come!
- Thursday, April 3rd - Saturday, April 5th: 2025 Model United Nations Conference (Hosted at the Marriott Hotel in Minneapolis)
Delegation Meeting Schedule:
- Wednesday, January 29th (7:00-8:00 PM): Informational Meeting -- Northfield Y Community Room
- Thursday, January 30th (6:00-7:00 PM): Informational Meeting -- Northfield Y Community Room
- Monday, February 10th (7:00-8:00 PM): Delegation Meeting -- Northfield Y Community Room
- Monday, February 24th (7:00-8:00 PM): Delegation Meeting -- Northfield Y Community Room
- Monday, March 3rd (6:00-8:00 PM): Materials Prep Work Session -- Northfield Y Community Room
- Monday, March 10th (7:00-8:00 PM): Delegation Meeting -- Northfield Y Community Room
- Monday, March 17th and Tuesday, March 18th (6:30-8:00 PM): Mandatory Parent/Guardian Meetings -- Northfield Y Community Room
- Wednesday, April 2nd (7:00-8:00 PM): Pre-Conference Office Hours -- Northfield Y Community Room
To Learn More About the Northfield Delegation:
Contact Us! izzy@northfieldymca.org | 507-645-0088
Parents/Guardians: Want to see our Delegation in action as an Adult Advisor? Complete this interest form for more information!
YIG/MUN Conference Photo Gallery: Northfield Students in Action!
Youth in Government: 2024 Northfield Delegation

Model United Nations: 2024 Northfield Delegation